
Hinokuni festival

I went to Hinokuni festival today. We could see fireworks around Kumamoto castle. Many people are there to see the fireworks. I met many friends at there. I dressed in Yukata. I bought it for go the festival. I was surprised to meet one of friend who is the same junior high school. We have never met since enter each high school. I know her living in Kumamoto. However, I do not know her address or phone number. She is together with her boyfriend. She becomes more beautiful. We could not take bus or local train because many people ride on that. Then, we walked till there. It takes about 50 minutes. I had pain my foot. We bought shaved ice. The taste is mango. It was so hot and humid. I could not put up with it so I wanted to enter somewhere cool. Lastly, we thought that take a Purikura, and went to Festa. However, there are many people, so we gave up taking it.

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