Wilma’s mother had a charm bracelet. It made of gold. The bracelet had ten charms on it. Wilma’s mother was washing her hands at the sink. She had the bracelet on. One of the charms fell off the bracelet, and it went down the plug hole. She put a plastic bowl under the sink. She got the charm from the bowl.
The children went to Biff’s bedroom. Wilf had three chewing gums.
Suddenly the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children on a new adventure.
The magic took them back in time. It took to a river. A boy and girl were looking for something in the river. They were looking for gold. Their name was Luke and Alice. Their family looked for gold every day. It was a hard life. The family were always hungry.
Suddenly the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children on a new adventure.
The magic took them back in time. It took to a river. A boy and girl were looking for something in the river. They were looking for gold. Their name was Luke and Alice. Their family looked for gold every day. It was a hard life. The family were always hungry.
The next day, they helped with Luke’s family. Then, Luke’s father shouted. He found a big nugget of gold. They went to town to sell the gold. However, some men were waiting in the road. They were robbers. They wanted the gold. Wilf had an idea. He used chewing gum to hid the gold at under the cart.
The family could get much money. They had new dress, much food, new cart and so on. After they went back their house, Biff wanted to find some gold. She could find a little yellow speck. She had found some gold. Just then, the magic key began to glow. When they back home, she had tiny gold. Suddenly, Chip sneezed. Her gold went away.
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