I will introduce to this homepage. This homepage is information of Kyoto. Kyoto is one of the famous tourist spot in Japan. Many people travel to there. Why I think I will introduce this homepage, I will go top Kyoto next spring vacation. Then, I search much information.Kyoto was Japan's capital and the emperor's residence from 794 until 1868. Kyoto has many temples. Japanese temple is so historical.

The most popular temple is Kinkakuji.
Ashikaga Yoshimitu built Kinkakuji at near Kyoto station.
When Kinkakuji built there, people called around there Rakuhoku.
Kinkakuji is decollated by gold. The temple has tea ceremony room.
Kiyomizudera is also famous temple.
The picture is Kiyomizu-no-Butai.
It was used Kyou(狂) and Nougaku(能楽).
It is built at Higashiyama Gjou.
‘Kiyomizu’ is the water what people called Otowanotaki. We can live more long if we drink the water.
It was used Kyou(狂) and Nougaku(能楽).
It is built at Higashiyama Gjou.
‘Kiyomizu’ is the water what people called Otowanotaki. We can live more long if we drink the water.
Both Kinkakuji and Kiyomizudera is one of World Heritage. Many foreign people come there to sightseeing. Kyoto also famous of autumn color.
The picture is Ryuuanji. Ryuuanji is near Kinkakuji.
We walk around Kyoto’s old street, we can find Maiko. Maiko is special Japanese culture. They wear kimono and they know Japanese culture so much. Our Japanese people don’t know about Japanese culture. So we yearn for them. However, I never seen them. If you have about two hours, you can transform to Maiko. It cost more over 10,000 yen. The shop made you to makeup and hair set.Kyoto has good water, so there are many delicious foods. For example, there are Yuba, Tukemono, Namayatuhashi and so on. Japanese sweet is also famous.

I have been to Kyoto when I was junior high school student. At that time, I went to Kinkakuji and Kiyomizudera. However, I was not interested in those culture and buildings. So I think now, that I should have seen them deeper. I studied Japanese history by my teacher when I was high school student. After that I have interest and I am proud of Japanese history. Now, I want to go to there and have sight seen to famous spot. Recently, most young people want to visit over sea. However, I think visit around Japan and know Japanese culture is the most important thing for Japanese people.
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I have been to Kyoto when I was junior high school student. At that time, I went to Kinkakuji and Kiyomizudera. However, I was not interested in those culture and buildings. So I think now, that I should have seen them deeper. I studied Japanese history by my teacher when I was high school student. After that I have interest and I am proud of Japanese history. Now, I want to go to there and have sight seen to famous spot. Recently, most young people want to visit over sea. However, I think visit around Japan and know Japanese culture is the most important thing for Japanese people.
[393 words]
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