
Softball tournament

I went to Kagoshima, Chiran(知覧) to take part in a softball tournament. I have been taken part in this tournament second times. The tournament holds with four teams. The teams were Japan Bunri University(日本文理大学), Fukuoka university(福岡大学), Kyusyu Kyouritu University(九州共立大学) and Kumamoto Gakuen University. The other teams are very strong. Especially, Fukuoka University is also strong men and women. We contend with Japan Bunri University and Fukuoka University. However, we could not win them. On other hand, KGU’s men team was in best four.

We stayed there for three days. The hotel is so old. There is famous of Tokkotai(特攻隊). Chiran was air field. When it was around 1940th, many young men flew and attacked enemies’ air craft carrier.

There is Peace Museum for “Kamikaze” Pilots(神風特攻隊平和記念会館) in Chiran. The tournament held near there. Kamikaze means special air force attack group. These pilots were trained to fly on kamikaze missions which involved steering their airplanes laden with bomb head-on into enemy ships or other targets during the decisive battle for Okinawa at the end of the war. When during World War 2nd, Japanese people thought that people want to live without doing battle is shame. Now, Japan is peace. It was made by these people.
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