

I will talk about my week end!
I quarreled with my boyfriend last Friday. Because of he will go to dinner with another girl. I was very angry! He always said me we must not have an affair with another person. I am very care of that. However, he will do that. Is it not flirtation? We quarreled when it was midnight, so he fell asleep without reconciliation. I was very sad. I called Miyo soon. She cheer me up and said me that I should call him again. Then, we talked about quarreled next morning. We could reconciliation next morning. I would go to his house. I had plan that I go to shopping with Yui. So I went to his house evening. I bought many clothes. Recently, I choice my clothes match his taste. I bought two dresses and skirt. He likes them. I stayed his house that day. We went to eat dinner at Nabeshima (なべしま). We can eat grilled slices of meat. We met his friend at there. She gave us ice cream as dessert and hot tea. After that we had hot spring. Most of staying, I have spa at his house, but it was late the day. We went to Gokurakuyu (極楽湯). It is nearby his house.
Next day, I did not bring my toilet set, so I cannot put on makeup. I spend the day without makeup.
I was called by my friend. The friend is boy. My boyfriend was a jealous. He was in bad mood. I could aware of him. However, I could not do anything, so I left him alone. His friend would come his house. After his friend came, he recovers his good humor. I was relieved about that. We studied two or three hours. Then, we went out. We celebrated his friend’s birthday. He is birthday today. However, we have test today, so we celebrated him the day before. I treat him the dinner. We went to the restaurant. I have been to there once time. My boyfriend brought me there. I had dinner with him first time in the restaurant. It was delicious each times.
My boyfriend bought a birthday cake for his friend. The cake was very big! We are four members, so the cake was too big to eat up. I did not stay his house yesterday.

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