
WR My favorite place

My favorite place is Saga. Do you know where Saga is?
Saga is my hometown. Most people do not know about Saga. Saga is so country side and small.
If my friends want to come to Saga, I cannot go around with them. Saga has some sightseeing place. For example, Yoshinogari(吉野ヶ里)and Yobuko(呼子).
I do not feel some interesting at there. I recommend you Takeo(武雄) or Mituse(三瀬). There are famous of hot spa and special food.
There is a festival in Saga soon. That is Saga balloon festival. The festival is famous in Kyusyu. This year, Jero(ジェロ) will come the festival as a guest.

I lived in Saga for 7 years. I have changed four times. I like the best Saga.
When I go to there, I can meet my friends. Most of my friends live in many different places each other. They are also university student. However, if we go to Saga the same time, we meet some of them. We most time go to Karaoke or Joyful. Saga has not so many places where we can play at midnight.
I live only myself now, so I have to make my food. If I go to Saga, my mother would make some food for me. I think more delicious them food than that of eating oneself. I have two brothers. They play baseball at their school. I sometimes watch them and we play catch ball. I love my family. Sometimes, I went to my home only meet to my family, but my father lives in Kumamoto. We cannot meet him because he is very busy at his business.
The most important point for me is that I would visit my high school. I respect to my high school teacher. He often stays school ground. I was a member of baseball club. He is a baseball club’s teacher. When I go to hometown, I always visit ground. Recently, his son was born. I never met him. I saw him only a picture. I will go to his house to see his son.

As a result, I like Saga. The reason is points. First, Saga is my hometown. Second, I can meet many people who lived in Saga when they were high school student. Third, I can eat what my mother makes it. I want to meet my family. Last, I can go to my high school. I often walk around in Saga. I always feel Saga’s time is slowly. I like what Saga‘s people using provincialism. It is really alike Kumamoto or Fukuoka. If you never been to Saga, you would go there once time.

[454 words]

1 件のコメント:

Paul Beaufait さんのコメント...

Hi Maa,

You suggest in this essay that you have changed four times. Why don't you explain how you've changed?

Your peer reviewer suggests adding pictures to this post. Do you plan to do so? If so, what kind; if not, why not?
